
Contact US

Poly Compounding is centrally located in Elgin IL, 30 miles north of Chicago. Our facility includes 4 compounding lines. We use Co-Kneader and Twin Screw Extruder Compounding Technologies. We usually underwater pelletize our production runs, but do have the ability to strand pelletize and die face (dry cut) pelletize on our pilot line.

Our customers provide raw materials and formulations for the products that we run. Customers usually provide their own packaging, but we can provide it upon request.

Please contact us to discuss your compounding needs.

Poly Compounding Company, Inc.
1130 Jansen Farm Dr.
Elgin, IL 60123

Tel:  847-488-0683
Fax: 847-488-0687



Contact Us to discuss your

compounding needs.

We are centrally located in the Midwest, and service customers throughout the United States and Canada.